Indoor Air Quality

It’s all Indoor Air Quality

With so many people working indoors, indoor air quality can be the difference between comfortable productive organizations or a failing business.  Differing perceptions of thermal comfort/temperature regulation can lead to thermostat wars.  Inadequate ventilation can cause a build up of carbon dioxide and odors causing headaches or uncomfortable working conditions.  New furnishings can offgas formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds and odors.  Let Executive Environmental evaluate your workspace.  Our Council Certified Indoor Environment Consultant or Certified Industrial Hygienist will investigate and assess the Quality of the Indoor Air and offer recommendations for a healthier work environment.

indoor air quality testing

Many Sources of IAQ, One Solution

Executive Environmental can collect samples of air and dust to determine whether mold or other allergans may be the cause of increased asthma and allergies.  We only use accredited, reputable environmental laboratories for mold and allergen assessments.  Cat and dog dander, dust mites and mold spores can cause allergic reactions if not controlled by proper cleaning and filtering of the air supply.  Standard indoor air parameters of Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, temperature and relative humidity will be measured and compared to regulatory and non-regulatory guidelines to provide recommendations on ventilation, air-conditioning and heating effectiveness.

If necessary, air samples will be collected for chemicals based on a review of materials and products used or produced in the workplace.  Levels detected are then compared to both regulatory and health-based American and International recommendations to assess the long and short term hazards of indoor air.  Ask an experienced professional to locate the pollution sources in your workplace and remove them.

